Lilley’s Arena

The Gamer’s Refuge

My name is Xavier but my gamer tag is “Lilley” and I respond to both. I have been playing and collecting Pokémon for around 12 years now, along with various other TCGs.

I fell in love with Pokémon after one of my best mates bought me 2 booster packs from the Black and White series, Next Destinies where I pulled the secret rare Zoroark off the second pack. It certainly sealed the deal and set me on a path which led me to where I am today. 

In my spare time I love to hang out with mates, play games online, and cosplay. The photo on the left is my terrible attempt at a Sanji Cosplay from One Piece. It took me a total of 15 minutues to rush this together for Hoshicon XD

I started Lilley’s Arena because I noticed how expensive the hobby was becoming, for no apparent reason. I wanted everyone to enjoy Pokémon for its original purpose, and the reason I fell in love with it in the first place. To play and to trade.

My tag line is “The Gamer’s Refuge”. I did this because I know how hard it is for people like myself to find a safe space to be themselves. I was a nerd back before it was a desirable trait, where we got bullied for loving gaming. Everyone who feels unsafe and uncomfortable can be assured that I sympathise with them, and want them to feel safe in this community. 

I hope to open up a physical shop someday to host lots of tournaments and enjoy all forms of nerd culture that I have loved since day 1!

- Lilley